Vision: How to Break Out of Burnout

I recently was privileged to provide an opening day keynote for the 2017 Convenience Retailing University. What a dynamic group of leaders of business professionals committed to excellence and success! I delivered my keynote presentation, Full Potential: How to Perform Best Under Pressure. 

According to a Harvard Medical School study, an astounding 96% of leaders in business today said they experience feelings of burnout.

How clear is your personal and professional vision?

  • Do you have absolute clarity about what you want to accomplish in the next 12-24 months?
  • Is it a black and white vision (vague) or is your vision blu-ray (absolute clarity)?

If you are experiencing career fatigue or burnout, re-ignite your vision. Take time to get clear, specific, and vivid focus. 

I’ve found when I assist my coaching clients and organizations, vision is the critical key that unlocks renewed success and results: 

  • Clarity
  • Focus
  • Energy
  • Discipline
  • Details
  • Resiliency
  • Optimism

My favorite exercise:
Part 1: Take an 8.5″ x 11″ piece of paper and divide it in half. On the top half write “My Personal Vision” and document seven things you will passionately accomplish in the next 12-24 months:
1. Family
2. Career
3. Health/Fitness
4. Personal Development
5. Financial
6. Fun Factor
7. Spiritual Peace

Part 2: On the bottom half, write “My Big Five Professional Must-Haves” for the next 12-24 months. Also note how you plan to accomplish your “big five.”

I go to Barnes and Noble Cafe once a month to review and often revise my personal and professional vision. It’s amazing the focus and energy you gain when your vision is clear.

I encourage you to take time this week to refocus on your blu-ray vision.

Have a vision-filled month ahead!
– Steve