Shifting from Scarcity Thinking to Abundance Thinking

Easier said than done, Julie and I started our adventure together living in a small two-bedroom apartment with a modest salary of around $1,550.00 per month. We had used furniture, homemade lamp shades, and every Friday night, our “big” date was to go out for a shared (single) scoop of ice cream. This is the truth!

Those modest beginnings taught us the value of “pulling together” and “living within our means.” Slowly, over time a subtle attitude started to stick, scarcity thinking we will call it. It took us several years to break into abundance thinking.

A person with an abundance mindset is an optimist and focuses on the limitless possibilities that exist in life. They choose to think in positive terms about everything that happens in life, good or bad. Scarcity-based thinking can manifest in anyone, rich or poor. Someone with a scarcity mindset always dwells on what isn’t working in his/her life or will obsess over having more.

Scarcity thinking:

  • Is limiting
  • Is driven by fear and anxiety
  • Narrows your focus
  • Is not attractive to others
  • Holds you back
  • Holds on to what you have
Abundance thinking: 
  • Is the belief of “giving begins the receiving cycle.”
  • Says “yes” to opportunity
  • Attracts “big thinkers”
  • Expects the best
  • Lives out of faith, not fear
  • Believes there is more than enough
Leaders build abundance thinking that attracts new success by: 
1. Believing they can and will succeed. They don’t wait for permission.
2. Believing in the high order of generosity. My father taught me, “When in need, plant a seed of generosity. Giving begins the receiving cycle.”
3. Believing they can grow more, so they commit to personal growth.
4. Recognizing setbacks are temporary and perspective givers.
5. Believing what they project in life, they attract in results.

If you want to shift from scarcity to abundance, talk to yourself. Pray for a larger outlook, a greater return for your efforts. Say aloud, “I believe there is more than enough.” That small step will unlock a new result in your business and finances. Sometimes one small shift in the direction of abundance become the most impactful step in your life and leadership.

Here’s to your abundance!


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“The purpose of Leadership Quest is to help professionals develop their personal leadership, vision and emotional intelligence. Everyday I strive to help leaders and teams achieve their desired goals in sales productivity, leadership, time maximization, and life-balance. ”

About the Author

Steve Gutzler is the President of Leadership Quest, a Seattle-based leadership development company. Steve is a dynamic, highly-sought-after speaker who has delivered more than 2,500 presentations to a list of clients including Microsoft, Starbucks, the Seattle Seahawks, Pandora Radio, Boeing, Cisco, Starwood Corporation, the Ritz Carlton group, and the U.S. Social Security Administration. He recently was voted #1 by the readership of Huffington Post as the Most Inspirational Leader on Social Media.

A published author on leadership and emotional intelligence, Steve resides near Seattle with his wife Julie where they enjoy time with their three adult children and six grandchildren.